Request an Appointment at our East Lake Location


After requesting a spay/neuter appointment, a team member will be in touch to confirm your appointment. We require clients to pre-pay in full at the time of the appointment request. The amount listed at the link covers the full surgery, and no additional charges will be made after this payment.

We require a current rabies vaccine at the time of surgery. If you do not provide proof of a current rabies vaccine for an animal over 3 months of age, we will provide your pet with a 1-year rabies vaccine during surgery at no additional cost. If your pet has a current rabies vaccine, please submit veterinary records that indicate the month, day, and year that your pet’s rabies vaccine was administered to We also provide all pets with a free microchip that will help them be reunited with you should they get lost.

Sick Pet and
Wellness Services

We are now accepting new patients. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, please continue below.